4 stars - based on 7 reviews
OjaNow is a future leading provider of convenience services to households and individuals in lagos, Nigeria and eventually Africa.
It is a shopping app for your groceries and daily pickups that promises to deliver orders in less than 30mins, 24/7.
My contributions in the development process:
• Developed the customer facing app using Flutter.
• Ensured seamless integration between Web and Mobile by beefing up Deeplinks that connect web pages to relevant pages in app
Fun Fact Image OjaNow was originally named OjaLagos

WeBe Life
4 stars - based on 7 reviews
WeBe makes it easy to share our challenges and our successes with the people we trust. By tracking and sharing the six key elements of Well Being we can learn how to recognize when someone we care about is in need. We can identify what works best for ourselves and those we love.
WeBe tracks six key elements of Well Being every day - Emotional Experience, Relationships, Physical Health, Sleep, Activity and Spirituality - to help you take better care of your own Well Being.
WeBe allows you to track the Well Being of your Pod mates – encouraging you to Reach Out to those who may need extra care and support.
- I Led in the development and deployment of both Android, iOS using Flutter.

Veegil Media
4 stars - based on 7 reviews
Elastic Search
Veegil is a platform for civic engagement where debates, discourse and myriad other interactions take place between citizens, leaders, social institutions and other stakeholders in the polity.
It is focused on promoting civic engagement and increasing users (political) influence.
My contributions on the development process:
• Led in the development, compilation and deployment of both Android, iOS and Web applications for Veegil using Flutter.
• Developed a workaround for Flutter's SEO restrictions using server-side scripting in PHP.
• Set-up a CI pipeline for continuously testing our code base on our on-premise server.
Fun Fact Image Veegil Employees are nicknamed - `Veegilants`

Event Rite
4 stars - based on 7 reviews
Event Rite is an easy app that helps to connect users to professionals needed for any event (e.g. Anniversaries, Marriage Ceremonies, etc)
It handles this in a simple and elegant way that makes organising huge events a breeze
Event Rite uses Google's Firebase & Flutter to provide a modern and intuitive user interface which makes using Event Rite as easy as picking up your device, selecting professionals and relaxing
• A clean gallery showcasing each professionals work
• Real time notifications about the progress of each event
Fun Fact Image ShoutOut to MJ Success - EventRite is his Brain Child
EVENT RITE Cover Image No Preview Available Yet

Emmanuel TV
4.4 stars - based on 30 reviews
Elastic Beanstalk
Google Cloud Platform
Emmanuel TV is a remake of the Original Emmanuel TV app from the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN)
This app helps connect all members of the church to a unified platform streamlined to deliver media content meant entirely for them
Several features have also been added to make the app more engaging and appealing
With extra features like :
• MEDITATION - This helps users dwell more on heavenly things by showing them the Word of God at intervals
• SONGS - Helps users browse and play all EmmanuelTV's song catalogue right from their device

EasyPharmacy Suite
4.2 stars - based on 12 reviews
Elastic Beanstalk
EasyPharmacy Suite is a set of software solutions that give medicine store owners the power to control and manage their store's Stock, Sale, Expiry, Damage and Expense Records, Staff and Special Patients from wherever they are on earth via any smart phone.
• Offline ready. Save operations locally and sync whenever you are reconnected.
• Get SMS and InApp notifications whenever important events occur.
• Automatically backup your records to the cloud so you never get to lose your data.
Fun Fact Image EasyPharmacy started as a simple Microsoft Access Program

4 stars - based on 3 reviews
QwikBuy is a virtual market place where users browse through a large catalog of vendors within their vicinity, buy products and have the products delivered right at their doorstep
It is implemented using Flutter; a portable UI framework created by Google and contains an awesome user experience featuring Material Design, Sleek Animations...
• Includes an In-App Payment system using PayStack.
• Realtime updates and notifications for app events like Vendor shipping, etc.
• Offline ready, for times when your network connection fails.

Nkechi Global Hair
3.5 stars - based on 2 reviews
This is an online gallery and booking site for Nkechi Global Hairstyles.
They offer hair styling services like: Attachments• Hair Wigs• Hair Creams• Hair Extensions• Ghana Weaving• Twisting• Fixing of Weavons• Rasta• Pick and Drop Breedy• Dreadlocks• Feathers• Barbing• Washing and Setting.
The site is lightweight, fast and professional looking with a minimal design
• A minimalistic gallery showing featured hairstyles.
• An embedded Google Map showing the physical location of business.
Fun Fact Image This project was built and deployed in 2 days!

Smart Out-Fi
4.5 stars - based on 2 reviews
While in school, I wanted to see if (small scale) automation could be done with simple tools like web languages (HTML, CSS (Semantic UI) & jQuery), PHP and a micro-controller. - without using a tool like an MQTT Server.
I wanted to see how many features I could cramp into this project without escalating the total price needed for the project.
* The user could perform the basic on/off operation on the switch and Schedule an automation (i.e. when the Out-Fi should switch on and off... without any human interaction).
* The interface could also indicate the status of the Out-Fi (Online, Offline, Unknown).
* The user could control multiple Out-Fi's from a single dashboard with near instant (maybe 1 second delay) response time.
Fun Fact Image ShoutOut to John Eblabor A. - He partnered on this project

Veegil Bank
4.5 stars - based on 1 reviews
This is a simple banking app that demonstrates the power of Flutter to create beautiful and crisp looking Mobile, Web and Desktop Apps with smooth animations at up to 60 frames per second... if your device allows it.
The main app consumes the [https://banks.veegil.com] API but this is just a mini version used to showcase Flutter on the web
• TRANSITIONS: Cool transitions and animations for each page
• MODERN UI COMPONENTS: Features tweaked material components that make the app pop
• MULTI-PLATFORM: Runs both on Mobile, Web and Desktop
Fun Fact Image This project is actually a Remote Assessment for Veegil Media